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A question about using the contraceptive pill

Hi, I’m getting married next summer and I use the contraceptive pill sold as ‘Diane’. I want to be sure that this is a combination pill which stops ovulation, and not a minipill which rejects the fertilised egg. I can’t find any overview of this when I search the net. Have you got an overview of this, and can I safely use Diane as a means of contraception in marriage? I don’t really understand the question about when ovulation occurs when I use the pill? Is it right that I shouldn’t use the pill as contraception during ovulation, but that I should rather use a condom? When is ovulation? Is it safe to not use a condom during the 4–7 days I don’t use the pill? Is it only at times when I forget to take the pill that we should use a condom?

Sorry if the question is messy, I’m a bit confused :-)
Thanks in advance for your answer!

Hi and thanks for your question!

Diane is a typical combination pill which contains both estrogen and gestagen. What makes Diane different from other combination pills is that it is also used against acne. The way it works is exactly like other combination pills, in that it mostly works by stopping ovulation.

All types of combination pills also act by making the mucus in the cervix more difficult for the sperm to penetrate. The mucus membrane in the uterus is also made less receptive for any fertilised eggs, but if the pill is taken regularly at the same time then there is a very small chance of a fertilised egg. But due to this small uncertainty there are some people who choose not to use the pill for contraception. It is important that you and your fiancé agree on what you think about this.

You can read more about contraceptive pills and ovulation in this article: Do contraceptive pills prevent fertilization?

If you forget to take the pill, and more than 12 hours pass, you are recommended to use another form of contraception in addition, for the rest of the time, for example a condom.

Because the pill stops ovulation, you will not become pregnant by having sex in the time between two trays of pills, where you don’t take the pill for some days. 

To sum it up, you do not need to use another form of contraception as long as you don’t forget to take the pill at the same time every day.

Best wishes, boyandgirl.info

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