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Christian faith and contraception
Hi, I wanted to ask a question on this website since it’s about Christian values. I am not a Christian, but my boyfriend is a Christian. I respect that and don’t have anything against it, I’m not against Christianity. My boyfriend won’t use a condom when we have sex. He says it is against Christianity, but I don’t understand that. I know that Christianity is against abortion, but condoms don’t take any life. We try to make sure that we don’t have sex about the time of my ovulation. I’m very afraid of getting pregnant, but he just says if it happens then that’s just part of life. He says that it’s MY choice to take the risk of getting pregnant when I have sex with him, but I think he also has some of the responsibility. I can’t use the contraceptive pill for medical reasons. I know he’s really against abortion and he would probably never talk to me again if I had one. We are only 16 and 17, and we’ve been together for four years. He says that his mother was 18 when she got married, and that we can also get married if I get pregnant. You have to be 18 to get married, don’t you? I almost feel that he wants me to get pregnant, when he doesn’t use a condom. This is a pity as he often initiates sex. I’m afraid that his parents would blame me if I got pregnant, they think their son is perfect and they would think I had seduced him. Is the Bible against using condoms? Is the Bible for sex? Should I respect his choice and just get pregnant if we aren’t careful enough?
The Bible doesn’t say anything about condoms. But the Bible is very clear that sex belongs only within the context of marriage, so it is hard to understand why your boyfriend chooses to think the way he does. It’s totally illogical for you to go on the pill when he says he can’t use a condom. Some people are against contraception in general, but it would be illogical of your boyfriend to use this argument when he breaks another rule, that of having sex outside of marriage. You should absolutely not let him pressure you to have sex without contraception in order to pressure you to get married. That is not the way to prepare for a lifelong marriage relationship. You should stop having sex with him if he continues to put the risk of getting pregnant onto you. You are too young to think about marriage yet, and being sexually active together is part of the intimacy that binds you together in a marriage. When you have sex with another person, you become one with that person in spirit, soul and body, and that is the biggest reason why sex outside of marriage can harm us.
You and your boyfriend should sit down and read some of our website and then you can get some new ideas about how you can be a boyfriend and a girlfriend who protect and respect each other and who do not take risks or pressure each other.
You can also read:
Why Shouldn’t You Have Sex Before You’re Married?
Sex: Worth Waiting for
We overstepped our boundaries, what should we do?
Creative Couples
Before I Knew It I Was Married!
Best wishes,
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