Value and Performance
Do I need to perform to have value?
There are many things that will affect what we think about ourselves. This is where the media is important. They surround us every day and speak to us every day. Not only in the form of news, but also through entertainment and social media. What values and attitudes, views of humanity and perceptions of reality are communicated here?
The text in this article is cut from a teaching made by Damaris School Grs.
”The film hits us directly in the emotions without making a stop in the intellect...”
The quote comes from Ingmar Bergman, a famous Swedish theater and film director. He said that movies go directly to our emotions, without stopping at the intellect. Movies appeal particularly strongly to our emotions, which is why it can be a challenge to also think about the message in different movies.
«It should come as no surprise that popular cultural products like movies and TV shows are more than "just entertainment". I would guess that most of us have experienced strong emotions when we encounter movie plots. We are both moved and shaken, we laugh, we cry and are filled with joy,», writes Eivind Bø, former editor for
How important is it for you to perform well in order to feel valuable? Many people have such a strong desire to excel that they set sky-high standards for themselves, whether at school, in sports, in various free time activities or in social life. When you succeed, your self-esteem is high - and vice versa; then the feeling of being less worthy can easily creep in. But if our achievements determine our value, our value will constantly be in change.
Is it true that skilled and popular football players have more value because they perform strongly on the football pitch? Do you have to become a legendary football player to feel valuable?
You are valuable because the Bible and God say so!
Norwegian girls have better grades than ever before, use less drugs and are more disciplined than ever before. But never have they struggled more with pressure to perform, stress and mental health problems. In the TV series «Sykt perfekt» seven girls aged 15-23 give an unfiltered account of the pressure they face to perform perfectly in all areas.
What do you think when you look at yourself in the mirror? The times we live in have a strong focus on appearance. The media is filled with celebrities with a "perfect" appearance. On social media, it's all about being seen and getting feedback. Many people feel more valuable when they hear that they look good. No wonder, then, that many people struggle to get the "perfect" body.
You've been given gifts and talents to manage, but you're still valuable even if you don't achieve everything you want to. We are valuable because we are created in the image of God and because we are loved by Him.
The Bible explains that God's love for us does not depend on our performance or our appearance! In other words, it is not what we achieve that gives us value. This is especially clear when it comes to salvation. Salvation is not based on what we have done, but on what Jesus has done for us. That's why we use the word "grace", which means something that is free, something that is given without us deserving it..
«For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.» Ef. 2,8-9
It is precisely this concept of grace and salvation that differentiates Christian faith from other religions as well.
God is focused on what you do with the life you have been given. But if our achievements determine our value, it will constantly shift.