Go to result Categories Artikler (24)Besvarte spørsmål (35)Bibelen (1)Kropp (1)Podcast / film (3) Type Article (29)Q & A (35) Theme bodyboundariesemotionsfaithfriendshipgenderhomosexualitymarriagemasturbationmental healthpodcastpornpubertyrelationshipself-imagesexsinglesuicidethe bible "Self-image" Never Good Enough Kategori: Artikler ‘I just have to get a little thinner, and a little more tanned, and a little prettier. Then life will be good.’ Don’t believe it! Am I Normal? Kategori: Artikler When I was younger, sometimes I heard comments like ‘loser’ being whispered behind my back. Self-Image Kategori: Artikler What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are you proud of what you see, or not? I know how easy it is to get hung up on things I don’t like... Switching Fields Kategori: Artikler The former Chelsea player Gavin Peacock writes about his transition from professional footballer to Christian ministry. All in! Kategori: Artikler Some weeks ago I spent the evening playing poker with some friends. The mood was upbeat, and I tried my best to get the right balance between bluffing, playing... My Worth Kategori: Artikler We’re at a youth group teaching at the church, it’s Monday and the whole group is having teaching together. Our youth leader Rita is to have the devotional... Things for Singles to Remember Kategori: Artikler Here is a little list of things to remember, for the days when you feel your singleness is visible for all to see, and when you feel limited and a failure. This... Sixty Things to Talk About With Your Partner Kategori: Artikler The time when you are dating is a great time to get to know each other better. We reveal more and more of who we are, what we like and what is important to us... The Need for Affirmation Kategori: Artikler ‘Wow, you’re so good at that! I don’t think anyone else can play as well as you – you could become famous.’ The Perfect Body Kategori: Artikler It’s all over the internet, films show it, bloggers write about it, and everyone wants it … the perfect body. You Are Special! Kategori: Artikler Some years ago I visited the town I grew up in for a school reunion. Reflected in God Kategori: Artikler If I ever wonder what I look like, or if I’ve forgotten, then I go and get a mirror. In the same way, if I want to find out who I am, I need someone or... She Told Me I Wasn’t a Whole Person Kategori: Artikler I was sixteen years old and hadn’t yet had my first period. Even though I wasn’t that old, I was really worried. What Do You HAVE? Kategori: Artikler There’s a fascinating story in the Bible, about a poor widow who became rich. You can read it for yourself in 2 Kings 4:1–7. Looking for Mr Right Kategori: Artikler ‘They’re all scumbags’ Girl Friends – BFF Kategori: Artikler Good girl friends are just the best! It’s so good to have someone to meet at school, and someone to walk with, so you don’t need to go into the canteen alone. More and More Cyber-Bullying Kategori: Artikler ‘Some classmates tricked the girl into sending photos of herself almost naked, and sent them round the classroom,’ says Øyvind Barlaup. To Love Is to Be Vulnerable Kategori: Artikler The fear of rejection is something we can all identify with: fear of not being good enough or fear of not being accepted or valued for who you are, with your... Fifteen but don’t have a boyfriend Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a fifteen-year-old girl, and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I don’t know if I should be ashamed of this, or proud of it, or what? I mean, most people of my... Girl of seventeen with no breasts Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl of seventeen, and I don’t have breasts! I really don’t have any! This is extremely embarrassing for me!Is there any way to get bigger boobs? Any... I’m being left out, what should I do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m part of a group of friends at school who stand by each other through thick and thin. Someone else is interested in joining our group, and that’s fine by... What can I do about being teased? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål A friend has started teasing me quite a lot in the past few months, and it affects me a lot. I get quite down when he teases me and says nasty things, even... My boyfriend can be a jerk Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Me and my boyfriend have been together for just over a year. I often get irritated and annoyed as he behaves a bit strangely sometimes. For example, one... Self-harm Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of sixteen who’s just started self-harming. There’s a long story behind it which I won’t mention now. I wonder if it’s serious? When I’ve seen... Low self-esteem, what can I do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have really bad self-esteem. What can I do?From a girl of 15. Born in the wrong body? Kategori: Artikler «Are you born in the wrong body?» You may have heard someone ask that question. On TV or perhaps on YouTube, at least. Some children and young people say they... Podcast: Switching fields Kategori: Podcast / film The former Chelsea player Gavin Peacock writes about his transition from professional footballer to Christian ministry. What can I do about low self-esteem? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have such low self-esteem, what can I do about it? Girl, 15 How can I improve my self-image? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi 😀 how can I improve my self-image? What’s the point of living? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m tired of hearing that I’m unique, that God loves me and so on. I’m depressed every day. I thought that I was getting better, and that I was stronger, but I... My best friend is much more popular than me Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 13. My best friend is much more popular than I am, so I get jealous of her easily. I feel that all the girls and boys like her much more than... It’s hard to know what to say Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I find it hard to know what to say in social situations. How can I start a conversation with it being embarrassing? It’s hard to get to know people Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a 16-year-old guy, and I’m writing because I find it hard to really get to know people. I’ve got a lot of friends at church, but they are mostly just... How can I forgive myself? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How can I forgive myself? Sin and a bad conscience Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I’ve done a lot of bad things recently. I haven’t done things against other people, but against God. I’ve asked Him to forgive me, and I know He does. The... Panfilia? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Uh, hi. Just wondering about Panfilia. It's not quite the same as bisexuality? I guess when you're a panphile, you're attracted to personality and stuff... My father is often angry Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål My father is often angry, works a lot and rolls his eyes when I say something at home. What can I do? How can I improve my reputation? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How can I improve my reputation, from being the one everyone sees as the drunk to being a good guy? :-) Help with identity and relationships Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I would like help from you in the area of identity and relationships. Hope it is appropriate to write about it here.I have great difficulty in feeling... Want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I am fairly certain that I was born in the wrong body. I want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl, but the problem is I don't get my parents' permission to do... Is it my looks that give me value? Kategori: Artikler Have you ever thought about these questions: Who am I? What makes me valuable? Value and Performance Kategori: Artikler Do I need to perform to have value? Build up your self-esteem Kategori: Kropp I was a pretty normal teenager while growing up. But at some point, I started to think more and more negatively about myself. I had some experiences that stuck... I hate being an introvert Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a real introvert and I hate it, I’m not extrovert at all. I always hear sermons that say that we have to like the person God has made us to be, but I can’t... How can I cope with loneliness? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How can I cope with loneliness? I’ve moved a lot during my life, and I’ve never had a really good friend who I’ve grown up with. I’ve moved a lot from country... Is it abnormal not to have got my period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi boyandgirl,I’m a girl of almost fifteen, and I haven’t got my period yet. Is that normal? I’m in love with a boy who isn’t in love with me Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a girl of 13. I’m in love with a boy who isn’t in love with me. I feel that he almost doesn’t even know that I exist. I get really sad. I just want to... Gender and identity – biology and ideology Kategori: Bibelen The question of what gender really is, is more relevant now than ever before. We need to show respect for vulnerable groups of people, but we can be certain of... Never dated Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a heterosexual guy of 22. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I don’t know how to get a girlfriend, or how I should approach the whole dating thing.The girls... The only one who’s a virgin? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m 23 and still a virgin. I’m the only one among my girl friends who is a virgin, and it’s beginning to get to me. It’s embarrassing, I feel so different... Feeling bad after gossiping Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of fourteen. I find that I often have a bad conscience, perhaps because I gossip or have bad thoughts about others. I’m trying my best to stop... Breast growth Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m almost eighteen, and had my first period last year, after two to three years of having an eating disorder. After I had my first period my hips and... Podcast: Identity in Christ – Sam Allberry Kategori: Podcast / film Sam Allberry is an English pastor and speaker. In these podcasts he speaks about how as a young man, he was attracted to other men and not to women. He has... What does God think about self-harming? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I have cut myself, and have a difficult relationship with food. I think I am developing anorexia. I am getting help, so it's actually going well... I feel like a failure Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I am a failure. Please don’t tell me otherwise. You don’t know me. What I’m trying to say is that I’m feeling really bad. I just feel so stupid! When I meet new... Have tried hard to make friends Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m not doing so well. I’m in my final year of high school and I’ve tried really hard to get some good friends for years, But no matter how much I take the... My boyfriend pushed my boundaries Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello,When I lived abroad last year, I was with someone who had been a Christian before but wasn't anymore. I'm a Christian, and he knew where my boundaries... Someone I know committed suicide Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Someone I know committed suicide and I’ve been thinking a lot about doing it too. But I’m really wondering what will happen if I do take my life, will I go to... Infinite Love Kategori: Artikler The last time I went with my parents to church was when I was fourteen. I got bored, I didn’t understand what the pastor was talking about, and there was no one... Podcast: Born in the wrong body? Kategori: Podcast / film «Are you born in the wrong body?» You may have heard someone ask that question. On TV or perhaps on YouTube, at least. Some children and young people say they... Have struggled with porn and masturbation for many years Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I have struggled with addiction to masturbation and pornography for several years now. I have never dared to tell anyone and feel incredibly ashamed and... No one has a perfect sexuality Kategori: Artikler Richard Alexander affirms the Bible’s teaching while at the same time having homosexual feelings. He is the author of this text. What am I without my friends? Kategori: Artikler Friends can fail or disappear Am I a hypochondriac? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 15. About six months ago I lacked a lot of iron, and at the same time I got a virus in my lungs which wasn’t dangerous, according to the... We are in the process of translating the full content of this website to English. Translated material will be published consecutively as soon as it is ready. There are about 1300 questions with answers, as well as many articles that need to be translated. We ask for your patience and understanding for this.
Never Good Enough Kategori: Artikler ‘I just have to get a little thinner, and a little more tanned, and a little prettier. Then life will be good.’ Don’t believe it!
Am I Normal? Kategori: Artikler When I was younger, sometimes I heard comments like ‘loser’ being whispered behind my back.
Self-Image Kategori: Artikler What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are you proud of what you see, or not? I know how easy it is to get hung up on things I don’t like...
Switching Fields Kategori: Artikler The former Chelsea player Gavin Peacock writes about his transition from professional footballer to Christian ministry.
All in! Kategori: Artikler Some weeks ago I spent the evening playing poker with some friends. The mood was upbeat, and I tried my best to get the right balance between bluffing, playing...
My Worth Kategori: Artikler We’re at a youth group teaching at the church, it’s Monday and the whole group is having teaching together. Our youth leader Rita is to have the devotional...
Things for Singles to Remember Kategori: Artikler Here is a little list of things to remember, for the days when you feel your singleness is visible for all to see, and when you feel limited and a failure. This...
Sixty Things to Talk About With Your Partner Kategori: Artikler The time when you are dating is a great time to get to know each other better. We reveal more and more of who we are, what we like and what is important to us...
The Need for Affirmation Kategori: Artikler ‘Wow, you’re so good at that! I don’t think anyone else can play as well as you – you could become famous.’
The Perfect Body Kategori: Artikler It’s all over the internet, films show it, bloggers write about it, and everyone wants it … the perfect body.
You Are Special! Kategori: Artikler Some years ago I visited the town I grew up in for a school reunion.
Reflected in God Kategori: Artikler If I ever wonder what I look like, or if I’ve forgotten, then I go and get a mirror. In the same way, if I want to find out who I am, I need someone or...
She Told Me I Wasn’t a Whole Person Kategori: Artikler I was sixteen years old and hadn’t yet had my first period. Even though I wasn’t that old, I was really worried.
What Do You HAVE? Kategori: Artikler There’s a fascinating story in the Bible, about a poor widow who became rich. You can read it for yourself in 2 Kings 4:1–7.
Girl Friends – BFF Kategori: Artikler Good girl friends are just the best! It’s so good to have someone to meet at school, and someone to walk with, so you don’t need to go into the canteen alone.
More and More Cyber-Bullying Kategori: Artikler ‘Some classmates tricked the girl into sending photos of herself almost naked, and sent them round the classroom,’ says Øyvind Barlaup.
To Love Is to Be Vulnerable Kategori: Artikler The fear of rejection is something we can all identify with: fear of not being good enough or fear of not being accepted or valued for who you are, with your...
Fifteen but don’t have a boyfriend Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a fifteen-year-old girl, and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I don’t know if I should be ashamed of this, or proud of it, or what? I mean, most people of my...
Girl of seventeen with no breasts Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl of seventeen, and I don’t have breasts! I really don’t have any! This is extremely embarrassing for me!Is there any way to get bigger boobs? Any...
I’m being left out, what should I do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m part of a group of friends at school who stand by each other through thick and thin. Someone else is interested in joining our group, and that’s fine by...
What can I do about being teased? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål A friend has started teasing me quite a lot in the past few months, and it affects me a lot. I get quite down when he teases me and says nasty things, even...
My boyfriend can be a jerk Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Me and my boyfriend have been together for just over a year. I often get irritated and annoyed as he behaves a bit strangely sometimes. For example, one...
Self-harm Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of sixteen who’s just started self-harming. There’s a long story behind it which I won’t mention now. I wonder if it’s serious? When I’ve seen...
Low self-esteem, what can I do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have really bad self-esteem. What can I do?From a girl of 15.
Born in the wrong body? Kategori: Artikler «Are you born in the wrong body?» You may have heard someone ask that question. On TV or perhaps on YouTube, at least. Some children and young people say they...
Podcast: Switching fields Kategori: Podcast / film The former Chelsea player Gavin Peacock writes about his transition from professional footballer to Christian ministry.
What can I do about low self-esteem? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have such low self-esteem, what can I do about it? Girl, 15
What’s the point of living? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m tired of hearing that I’m unique, that God loves me and so on. I’m depressed every day. I thought that I was getting better, and that I was stronger, but I...
My best friend is much more popular than me Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 13. My best friend is much more popular than I am, so I get jealous of her easily. I feel that all the girls and boys like her much more than...
It’s hard to know what to say Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I find it hard to know what to say in social situations. How can I start a conversation with it being embarrassing?
It’s hard to get to know people Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a 16-year-old guy, and I’m writing because I find it hard to really get to know people. I’ve got a lot of friends at church, but they are mostly just...
Sin and a bad conscience Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I’ve done a lot of bad things recently. I haven’t done things against other people, but against God. I’ve asked Him to forgive me, and I know He does. The...
Panfilia? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Uh, hi. Just wondering about Panfilia. It's not quite the same as bisexuality? I guess when you're a panphile, you're attracted to personality and stuff...
My father is often angry Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål My father is often angry, works a lot and rolls his eyes when I say something at home. What can I do?
How can I improve my reputation? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How can I improve my reputation, from being the one everyone sees as the drunk to being a good guy? :-)
Help with identity and relationships Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I would like help from you in the area of identity and relationships. Hope it is appropriate to write about it here.I have great difficulty in feeling...
Want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I am fairly certain that I was born in the wrong body. I want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl, but the problem is I don't get my parents' permission to do...
Is it my looks that give me value? Kategori: Artikler Have you ever thought about these questions: Who am I? What makes me valuable?
Build up your self-esteem Kategori: Kropp I was a pretty normal teenager while growing up. But at some point, I started to think more and more negatively about myself. I had some experiences that stuck...
I hate being an introvert Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a real introvert and I hate it, I’m not extrovert at all. I always hear sermons that say that we have to like the person God has made us to be, but I can’t...
How can I cope with loneliness? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How can I cope with loneliness? I’ve moved a lot during my life, and I’ve never had a really good friend who I’ve grown up with. I’ve moved a lot from country...
Is it abnormal not to have got my period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi boyandgirl,I’m a girl of almost fifteen, and I haven’t got my period yet. Is that normal?
I’m in love with a boy who isn’t in love with me Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a girl of 13. I’m in love with a boy who isn’t in love with me. I feel that he almost doesn’t even know that I exist. I get really sad. I just want to...
Gender and identity – biology and ideology Kategori: Bibelen The question of what gender really is, is more relevant now than ever before. We need to show respect for vulnerable groups of people, but we can be certain of...
Never dated Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a heterosexual guy of 22. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I don’t know how to get a girlfriend, or how I should approach the whole dating thing.The girls...
The only one who’s a virgin? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m 23 and still a virgin. I’m the only one among my girl friends who is a virgin, and it’s beginning to get to me. It’s embarrassing, I feel so different...
Feeling bad after gossiping Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of fourteen. I find that I often have a bad conscience, perhaps because I gossip or have bad thoughts about others. I’m trying my best to stop...
Breast growth Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m almost eighteen, and had my first period last year, after two to three years of having an eating disorder. After I had my first period my hips and...
Podcast: Identity in Christ – Sam Allberry Kategori: Podcast / film Sam Allberry is an English pastor and speaker. In these podcasts he speaks about how as a young man, he was attracted to other men and not to women. He has...
What does God think about self-harming? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I have cut myself, and have a difficult relationship with food. I think I am developing anorexia. I am getting help, so it's actually going well...
I feel like a failure Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I am a failure. Please don’t tell me otherwise. You don’t know me. What I’m trying to say is that I’m feeling really bad. I just feel so stupid! When I meet new...
Have tried hard to make friends Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m not doing so well. I’m in my final year of high school and I’ve tried really hard to get some good friends for years, But no matter how much I take the...
My boyfriend pushed my boundaries Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello,When I lived abroad last year, I was with someone who had been a Christian before but wasn't anymore. I'm a Christian, and he knew where my boundaries...
Someone I know committed suicide Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Someone I know committed suicide and I’ve been thinking a lot about doing it too. But I’m really wondering what will happen if I do take my life, will I go to...
Infinite Love Kategori: Artikler The last time I went with my parents to church was when I was fourteen. I got bored, I didn’t understand what the pastor was talking about, and there was no one...
Podcast: Born in the wrong body? Kategori: Podcast / film «Are you born in the wrong body?» You may have heard someone ask that question. On TV or perhaps on YouTube, at least. Some children and young people say they...
Have struggled with porn and masturbation for many years Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I have struggled with addiction to masturbation and pornography for several years now. I have never dared to tell anyone and feel incredibly ashamed and...
No one has a perfect sexuality Kategori: Artikler Richard Alexander affirms the Bible’s teaching while at the same time having homosexual feelings. He is the author of this text.
Am I a hypochondriac? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of 15. About six months ago I lacked a lot of iron, and at the same time I got a virus in my lungs which wasn’t dangerous, according to the...