Go to result Categories Artikler (31)Besvarte spørsmål (255)Bibelen (7)Ekteskap (12)Filmer/podcaster (4)Onani (3)Podcast / film (8)Porno (1)Ressurser (5)Sex (5) Type Article (76)Q & A (255) Theme age of consentalcoholalkoholasexualityavhengighetbeliefsbibelenbiblebodyboundariescohabitationconsentcontraceptioncoupleekteskapemotionsfaithfalling in lovefilmer/podcasterforelskelseforholdfriendshipfølelsergraviditetgrenserhomofilihomosexualitykjæresterkjønnkjønnssykdommerkropplikekjønnetmarriagemasturbationonanioral sexpornpornopregnancyprevensjonpsykisk helsepubertetpubertyrelationshipressursersamboerskapsamtykkeseksuell lavalderseksuelle overgrepself-imageselvbildesexsexual abusesexualitySexually transmitted diseasesingelthe bibletrovennskap "Oral sex" What is the definition of sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl wondering what the definition of sex is? Is it morally okay with sucking/licking or fingering/wanking of the other sex? Are you still a virgin... Oral sex in marriage? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I wonder if someone based on the Bible can say something about oral sex/experimenting sexually within marriage? Safe with oral sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it safe to suck or lick when you only have one partner? Marriage and Sex Part One: What Does the Bible Say? Kategori: Artikler Some people think that the Bible is against sex. They are wrong, in fact it’s clear from from the first page of the Bible that God is for love and sex between a... Is Sex a Basic Need? Kategori: Artikler Most people long to find someone to share their life with. It’s also natural to want to become one sexually with that person and start a family together. Being a Foreigner in Your Own Culture Kategori: Artikler My lifestyle and my attitudes are ridiculed in films, on the TV, in media and in daily conversation. As a Christian, I want to live my life as a disciple of... Why lose my virginity? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Why do people talk about losing their virginity? I have a desire to see naked women Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a guy of 16. I’ve never had a girlfriend or been involved with any girls. I’m very curious about women and girls, and would like to see one naked, not... What about Paradise Hotel? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi thereFirst of all, I just want to say that it's so good that you have such a page, really appreciate it. I have a couple of questions:1) Does the Bible say... I’ve had sex, what can I say to people? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I had sex with my partner eighteen months ago. I’ve asked God to forgive me. What should I say if people ask me if I’ve had sex? Should I say ‘no’, since God... I Want to stop thinking dirty thoughts Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I am a girl about to start in ninth grade after summer. Sometimes I have fantasies about sex, and naked boys. It all started about two years ago, and I want... Christian and Sexual Kategori: Artikler I’m a sexual human being. That’s a statement that often causes people to raise their eyebrows. Marriage and Sex Part Two: What Does ‘Sexual Immorality’ Mean? Kategori: Artikler The Bible uses two different expressions to describe sexual relations outside marriage: ‘adultery’ and ‘sexual immorality’. By ‘adultery’, the Bible means a... Sex: Worth Waiting for Kategori: Artikler You can call me old-fashioned, but when I got married last June, I was a virgin. And yes, it was worth it. Is It OK to Masturbate? Kategori: Artikler Almost all guys and lots of girls have masturbated, and the Bible does not say anything about it directly. Is Sex a Human Right? Kategori: Artikler Most people long to find someone to share their lives with, and then start a family with. What Happens in a Woman’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but there are also many similarities. What Happens in a Man’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together. The Invisible Reality of Sex Kategori: Artikler When two people have sex, very strong emotions are created, and they become emotionally connected on a deep level. Many have experienced that it is hard to... Bleeding after first sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi!I’m a girl of fourteen and I have already decided not to have sex before I get married. But I was wondering if people bleed a lot when they have sex for the... Intercourse for the first time Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it normal for a girl to bleed the first time she has intercourse?Is there something wrong if she doesn’t bleed?Is it sore the first time?From a girl, 14. Naturally nude? Kategori: Artikler Nudity is one of society's big dilemmas. While advertising posters and online newspapers overflow with naked bodies, young Norwegians refuse to shower naked... Guy, 16, with homosexual feelings Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I am a 16-year-old guy. I’ve struggled with my sexual orientation for some time, but realise that I have to finally accept that I’m homosexual. I want to... Is it a sin to look at porn? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it a sin to look at porn? Is it wrong to think about kissing? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it wrong to think about kissing and cuddling another person, the same way it is wrong to lust after sex with someone before marriage? Horny thoughts - 14 years old Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello :) I'm a 14-year-old girl :) and every now and then, I lie down and imagine that I'm having sex with a boy. When I do, I get a good feeling, and I get... Where should I set my boundaries? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Where should the boundaries be in a relationship? It would be nice to be served some direct boundaries. Is it okay to lie in bed and cuddle? This was not an... We overstepped our boundaries, what should we do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi boyandgirl.info! I’m 19 and have some questions for you. Me and my boyfriend have been together for eight months now. Before we got together we talked about... Sexual dreams about a girl Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it weird to think that you want to touch a girl-friend? And is it strange to have sexual dreams about the person you like? Would a Christian girl accept that I’ve had sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I'm a 21-year-old boy who is a Christian. I had a serious relationship a while back with a non-Christian girl, where I was tempted to have sex several... My girlfriend wants me to put my finger in her bum Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I’ve got a girlfriend, we’ve been together about a year. Everything’s fine, apart from her wanting me to put my finger in her bum sometimes. Sometimes she... Boundaries for sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What are the boundaries for what we call ‘sex’? Rumours after forced sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. A friend of mine was forced to have sex and the whole neighbourhood, including the church, got to hear about it. The rumour was that she had had sex. It’s... A question about using the contraceptive pill Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m getting married next summer and I use the contraceptive pill sold as ‘Diane’. I want to be sure that this is a combination pill which stops ovulation,... Is it OK to touch her boobs? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. Me and my girlfriend are Christians. We love each other but haven’t seen each other for over 6 months, as we live a long way apart. One time she sent me a... What happens to your body after an abortion? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What happens to your body after an abortion? How far should I go? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How far can I go without it getting too sexual?? Am single, like girls. Ten Good Reasons to Wait With Sex Kategori: Artikler Is sex still worth waiting for? Sixty-one per cent of youths who participated in an American survey said ‘Yes’ it is. Nineteen and Still a Virgin – WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU? Kategori: Artikler OK, let me explain. At least, I’ll try. God Loves Sex Kategori: Artikler Yes, you read correctly: God loves sex, and you can too! God Says ‘YES!’ to Sex Kategori: Artikler Perhaps you have the impression that God is against sex. Maybe you think He is a joy killer who says ‘no’ to something in life that’s both good and exciting. Do Contraceptive Pills Prevent Fertilization? Kategori: Artikler Before you get married it is important to talk about whether you want to have children immediately or whether you will use contraception. What About Contraception? Kategori: Artikler God created sex, not just so that we would enjoy marriage, but also so we could have children. Children are a gift and not an accident. If you couldn’t imagine... Why Shouldn’t You Have Sex Before You’re Married? Kategori: Artikler Marriage has been the boundary line God has put around human sex life for all of Christian history. However, it can be hard to be motivated to put this value... The Battle for Purity Kategori: Artikler How is it possible to live in purity both in thoughts and actions when your body trembles with a longing for sex? These feelings aren’t wrong, after all it is... About Sexual Feelings Kategori: Artikler Are sexual feelings sin? Is it OK that I have such a strong desire to sleep with my boyfriend or girlfriend? How can I relate to these feelings? In this article... Wait for Me! Kategori: Artikler ‘Do you think there’s someone out there who hasn’t slept with anyone yet? Do you think there’s anyone out there for me? I really want to be the first one, the... Marrying Someone Who Has Had Sex Kategori: Artikler The thought of having sex before marriage was unthinkable for me. Sex has been, and is, something great, something important and exclusive that I wanted to... Choosing Just One Person for the Rest of Your Life Kategori: Artikler Do you dream of getting married? Lots of people do, and with good reason! Fourteen years old and wanting to have sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl of fourteen, and I have a problem. This weekend I’ll sleep at my boyfriend’s house, and both he and I want to have sex. He is also fourteen and... Stay overnight with my boyfriend? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a girl of 23 and have chosen not to sleep in the same room as my boyfriend before we get married. He respects this, and he sleeps in the living room when he... Anal sex before marriage? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it OK to have anal sex before marriage? Anal sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, what does God say about anal sex? Reasons for sex before marriage? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’ve written down some reasons for sex before marriage, could you write some answers or thoughts about what I’ve written?In Norway today the average age at... Shaving before the wedding night? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, :-) I’m a girl of eighteen who is soon to get married. I’m wondering if I should shave myself ‘down there’ before the wedding. Neither of us have had sex... Child marriage Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’ve been really moved by a recent campaign against child marriage. What do you think about child marriage? Was it normal in Bible times? I think it’s terrible... BDSM and fetishism Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What does the Bible say about BDSM and fetishism? Aroused watching women having sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of eighteen. I was wondering if it’s normal to enjoy and get aroused by watching two women having sex, although I’m not a lesbian? I get really... Better to burn with passion or get married? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi,It says in the Bible that ‘… if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion’ (1 Corinthians... When is it normal to start having sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål When is it normal to start having sex? Can I share a bed with my girlfriend? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it OK to share a bed when I stay overnight with my girlfriend? Waiting for sex – a dilemma! Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m in a dilemma! A lot of Christian youths want to wait until they’re married to have sex. They know what they want, and so they don’t need contraception when... How do I stop looking at sex and masturbating? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi I'm a Christian girl of 13. For a long time now I've struggled with looking at sex and that kind of thing. Sometimes I manage to keep away from it for a... To set boundaries in a romantic relationship Kategori: Artikler How do you think through this with your girlfriend? Is it wrong? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it completely wrong to think that several girls are pretty and could imagine having sex with them? Podcast: What happens in a man's body during sex? Kategori: Podcast / film Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together. Is it OK to send dirty text messages to a partner? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What do you think about erotic short stories and dirty text messages? Does it mean I am leading my partner into lust? My partner and I have decided wait to have... Lie together during the day? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it OK for a guy and a girl to lie together during the day, for example after dinner? Living together Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I can’t find a Bible verse that says that it is sin to live together, so why is it sin? Want to wait for marriage before having sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m 16 years old, and want to wait until I’m married before I have sex. Have you got any advice on how I can do that? I want to be aware of this before I find a... Where should my boyfriend and I set the boundaries? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have had a boyfriend for about 6 months now. We have not had sex, because both of us wish to wait until marriage. We strive to have good boundaries. Where is... Have I been raped? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I am unsure whether I have been raped or not. I was at a party, and had drunk a bit. I started kissing a guy, and he took me outside. He pulled my trousers... I just had sex, but didn’t want to Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m 19 and have never had sex, until this evening. I had sex but didn’t want to do it. What should I do? I’m feeling really hopeless. I miss physical closeness and sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I am a single 21-year-old boy. I'm a student and I live with good friends and I'm not lonely in the sense that I don't have friends to hang out with, but... Can girls and boys actually just be friends? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Can girls and boys actually just be friends? So that neither of them will ever develop feelings for the other? Have had sex, but I’m not married Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I'm a 17-year-old girl. I have had sex, but I'm not married yet. I hope to marry a Christian man sometime in the future because I am a Christian myself. What does the Bible say about premarital sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What does the Bible say about those who have had premarital sex? I've done something I regret, what should I do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. A boy I like asked if I could stay over in his house and I said yes. So when I was there, we watched porn, even though I didn't want to.Then he asked if... What are healthy boundaries in relationships? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What are healthy boundaries in a relationship? (For someone who is soon engaged and married) What is lawful and what is good in God's eyes? Haunted by my past Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a girl in her 20s and I feel that I am haunted by my past.When I was younger, I hung around with a group of people, and hardly any of them were... How can I say ‘no’ to porn? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Sometimes someone wants to show me porn. I’m a Christian and don’t want to look at porn, what can I do? Is it wrong to snog (make out)? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it wrong to snog (make out) in a relationship when you are both Christians? Where are the limits, according to the Bible? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I was wondering how far I can go with my partner, according to the BIble? Where are the limits? Is it okay to have sex when you are 15? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it okay to have sex when you are a Christian, 15 years old and your girl/boyfriend has touched your breasts? Panfilia? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Uh, hi. Just wondering about Panfilia. It's not quite the same as bisexuality? I guess when you're a panphile, you're attracted to personality and stuff... Is it a good idea to have sex before you’re 13? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi... I'm wondering if it's normal to want to have intercourse at the age of 13-14? I'm a little embarrassed about it... I don't want children either... I know... What does it mean to think about someone with lust? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi :) I have been thinking a bit about Matt 5:28, about lust. I read an article about this on “itro”, it said that there was a difference between lust and... Wrong to send provocative snaps? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I am a 16-year-old girl, and am a diligent Snapchat user. I'm wondering if it's sinful to send "provocative" pictures of yourself to a boy. Both are... Want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I am fairly certain that I was born in the wrong body. I want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl, but the problem is I don't get my parents' permission to do... Where are the limits? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m 19, and engaged! We are both virgins and will wait till marrriage before we have sex. But where are the limits? We’ve agreed not to touch each other, but... Is petting sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What is petting? Is it sex? Do you have sex when you touch her boobs? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Do you have sex when you touch her boobs? I used to think the limit was below the navel, but now I don’t know. I feel like it’s wrong/not a good idea... Is it wrong to get an erect penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I’m ‘Boy 19’ and I have some questions. My girlfriend and I are both Christians, and we have decided to wait to have sex. Often if my penis gets hard, I... When I get married, I can finally have sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I'm in a phase in my life where I think: "When I get married and can FINALLY have sex, then I will be happy". I have managed to trick myself into... How can I tell my girlfriend that I’ve had sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a Christian guy of 16. Six months ago I had sex with a girl I didn’t know. She approached me, and I was impulsive, and joined in. I regret it now, I... Is it sin to think about a penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it actually a sin, according to the BIble, to think about having sex, and imagine it? Not with a certain person, but just as a general thought? Sometimes I... Is abortion wrong? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I’m a girl of 19, and I’ve had sex with my boyfriend. I’m quite sure that I’m pregnant, as I haven’t had my period. What should I do? I don’t feel ready... Wait for marriage to have sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have decided to wait till marriage before I have sex, but I’m wondering about things like lying together on the same bed, kissing and cuddling – what are the... Is it OK to pet? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a Christian guy, I’m 16.I’m very aware of not having sex and all that before marriage. I feel like I am in control, and I’ve decided in advance. But... What’s the age limit for sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What’s the age limit for sex? Naked on Skype and Snapchat Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello, we are two friends who have a bit of a problem... Two of our best friends (a boy and a girl) who are not boy and girlfriend showing their genitals on... Masturbation between Married Couples Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello!Thanks for a great website and good guidance on sex and cohabitation. Very good that some take up these important things on the foundation of Christian... Christian faith and contraception Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I wanted to ask a question on this website since it’s about Christian values. I am not a Christian, but my boyfriend is a Christian. I respect that and... The only one who’s a virgin? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m 23 and still a virgin. I’m the only one among my girl friends who is a virgin, and it’s beginning to get to me. It’s embarrassing, I feel so different... My boyfriend pushed my boundaries Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello,When I lived abroad last year, I was with someone who had been a Christian before but wasn't anymore. I'm a Christian, and he knew where my boundaries... Can we have sex when the woman has her period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. Can we have sex when the woman has her period? I’ve read about it in the Old Testament, but does this just refer to the people of Israel at that time, or... Difficulty with having a boyfriend in the USA Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello!I have a boyfriend I met online, who's in the USA. I am very fond of him and we have been together for 8 months. All the same we have never met, only... What are your thoughts on asexuality? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What do you think about asexuality? Infinite Love Kategori: Artikler The last time I went with my parents to church was when I was fourteen. I got bored, I didn’t understand what the pastor was talking about, and there was no one... Did someone do something illegal to me? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Two years ago I was living in a student hostel in Australia. One evening I was out drinking with my friends, it was quite a casual atmosphere and I didn’t... Podcast: The invisible reality of sex Kategori: Podcast / film When two people have sex, very strong emotions are created, and they become emotionally connected on a deep level. Many have experienced that it is hard to... Have struggled with porn and masturbation for many years Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I have struggled with addiction to masturbation and pornography for several years now. I have never dared to tell anyone and feel incredibly ashamed and... We are in the process of translating the full content of this website to English. Translated material will be published consecutively as soon as it is ready. There are about 1300 questions with answers, as well as many articles that need to be translated. We ask for your patience and understanding for this.
What is the definition of sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl wondering what the definition of sex is? Is it morally okay with sucking/licking or fingering/wanking of the other sex? Are you still a virgin...
Oral sex in marriage? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I wonder if someone based on the Bible can say something about oral sex/experimenting sexually within marriage?
Safe with oral sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it safe to suck or lick when you only have one partner?
Marriage and Sex Part One: What Does the Bible Say? Kategori: Artikler Some people think that the Bible is against sex. They are wrong, in fact it’s clear from from the first page of the Bible that God is for love and sex between a...
Is Sex a Basic Need? Kategori: Artikler Most people long to find someone to share their life with. It’s also natural to want to become one sexually with that person and start a family together.
Being a Foreigner in Your Own Culture Kategori: Artikler My lifestyle and my attitudes are ridiculed in films, on the TV, in media and in daily conversation. As a Christian, I want to live my life as a disciple of...
I have a desire to see naked women Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a guy of 16. I’ve never had a girlfriend or been involved with any girls. I’m very curious about women and girls, and would like to see one naked, not...
What about Paradise Hotel? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi thereFirst of all, I just want to say that it's so good that you have such a page, really appreciate it. I have a couple of questions:1) Does the Bible say...
I’ve had sex, what can I say to people? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I had sex with my partner eighteen months ago. I’ve asked God to forgive me. What should I say if people ask me if I’ve had sex? Should I say ‘no’, since God...
I Want to stop thinking dirty thoughts Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I am a girl about to start in ninth grade after summer. Sometimes I have fantasies about sex, and naked boys. It all started about two years ago, and I want...
Christian and Sexual Kategori: Artikler I’m a sexual human being. That’s a statement that often causes people to raise their eyebrows.
Marriage and Sex Part Two: What Does ‘Sexual Immorality’ Mean? Kategori: Artikler The Bible uses two different expressions to describe sexual relations outside marriage: ‘adultery’ and ‘sexual immorality’. By ‘adultery’, the Bible means a...
Sex: Worth Waiting for Kategori: Artikler You can call me old-fashioned, but when I got married last June, I was a virgin. And yes, it was worth it.
Is It OK to Masturbate? Kategori: Artikler Almost all guys and lots of girls have masturbated, and the Bible does not say anything about it directly.
Is Sex a Human Right? Kategori: Artikler Most people long to find someone to share their lives with, and then start a family with.
What Happens in a Woman’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but there are also many similarities.
What Happens in a Man’s Body During Sex? Kategori: Artikler Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together.
The Invisible Reality of Sex Kategori: Artikler When two people have sex, very strong emotions are created, and they become emotionally connected on a deep level. Many have experienced that it is hard to...
Bleeding after first sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi!I’m a girl of fourteen and I have already decided not to have sex before I get married. But I was wondering if people bleed a lot when they have sex for the...
Intercourse for the first time Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it normal for a girl to bleed the first time she has intercourse?Is there something wrong if she doesn’t bleed?Is it sore the first time?From a girl, 14.
Naturally nude? Kategori: Artikler Nudity is one of society's big dilemmas. While advertising posters and online newspapers overflow with naked bodies, young Norwegians refuse to shower naked...
Guy, 16, with homosexual feelings Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I am a 16-year-old guy. I’ve struggled with my sexual orientation for some time, but realise that I have to finally accept that I’m homosexual. I want to...
Is it wrong to think about kissing? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it wrong to think about kissing and cuddling another person, the same way it is wrong to lust after sex with someone before marriage?
Horny thoughts - 14 years old Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello :) I'm a 14-year-old girl :) and every now and then, I lie down and imagine that I'm having sex with a boy. When I do, I get a good feeling, and I get...
Where should I set my boundaries? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Where should the boundaries be in a relationship? It would be nice to be served some direct boundaries. Is it okay to lie in bed and cuddle? This was not an...
We overstepped our boundaries, what should we do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi boyandgirl.info! I’m 19 and have some questions for you. Me and my boyfriend have been together for eight months now. Before we got together we talked about...
Sexual dreams about a girl Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it weird to think that you want to touch a girl-friend? And is it strange to have sexual dreams about the person you like?
Would a Christian girl accept that I’ve had sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I'm a 21-year-old boy who is a Christian. I had a serious relationship a while back with a non-Christian girl, where I was tempted to have sex several...
My girlfriend wants me to put my finger in her bum Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I’ve got a girlfriend, we’ve been together about a year. Everything’s fine, apart from her wanting me to put my finger in her bum sometimes. Sometimes she...
Rumours after forced sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. A friend of mine was forced to have sex and the whole neighbourhood, including the church, got to hear about it. The rumour was that she had had sex. It’s...
A question about using the contraceptive pill Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m getting married next summer and I use the contraceptive pill sold as ‘Diane’. I want to be sure that this is a combination pill which stops ovulation,...
Is it OK to touch her boobs? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. Me and my girlfriend are Christians. We love each other but haven’t seen each other for over 6 months, as we live a long way apart. One time she sent me a...
What happens to your body after an abortion? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What happens to your body after an abortion?
How far should I go? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål How far can I go without it getting too sexual?? Am single, like girls.
Ten Good Reasons to Wait With Sex Kategori: Artikler Is sex still worth waiting for? Sixty-one per cent of youths who participated in an American survey said ‘Yes’ it is.
Nineteen and Still a Virgin – WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU? Kategori: Artikler OK, let me explain. At least, I’ll try.
God Says ‘YES!’ to Sex Kategori: Artikler Perhaps you have the impression that God is against sex. Maybe you think He is a joy killer who says ‘no’ to something in life that’s both good and exciting.
Do Contraceptive Pills Prevent Fertilization? Kategori: Artikler Before you get married it is important to talk about whether you want to have children immediately or whether you will use contraception.
What About Contraception? Kategori: Artikler God created sex, not just so that we would enjoy marriage, but also so we could have children. Children are a gift and not an accident. If you couldn’t imagine...
Why Shouldn’t You Have Sex Before You’re Married? Kategori: Artikler Marriage has been the boundary line God has put around human sex life for all of Christian history. However, it can be hard to be motivated to put this value...
The Battle for Purity Kategori: Artikler How is it possible to live in purity both in thoughts and actions when your body trembles with a longing for sex? These feelings aren’t wrong, after all it is...
About Sexual Feelings Kategori: Artikler Are sexual feelings sin? Is it OK that I have such a strong desire to sleep with my boyfriend or girlfriend? How can I relate to these feelings? In this article...
Wait for Me! Kategori: Artikler ‘Do you think there’s someone out there who hasn’t slept with anyone yet? Do you think there’s anyone out there for me? I really want to be the first one, the...
Marrying Someone Who Has Had Sex Kategori: Artikler The thought of having sex before marriage was unthinkable for me. Sex has been, and is, something great, something important and exclusive that I wanted to...
Choosing Just One Person for the Rest of Your Life Kategori: Artikler Do you dream of getting married? Lots of people do, and with good reason!
Fourteen years old and wanting to have sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I'm a girl of fourteen, and I have a problem. This weekend I’ll sleep at my boyfriend’s house, and both he and I want to have sex. He is also fourteen and...
Stay overnight with my boyfriend? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m a girl of 23 and have chosen not to sleep in the same room as my boyfriend before we get married. He respects this, and he sleeps in the living room when he...
Reasons for sex before marriage? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’ve written down some reasons for sex before marriage, could you write some answers or thoughts about what I’ve written?In Norway today the average age at...
Shaving before the wedding night? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, :-) I’m a girl of eighteen who is soon to get married. I’m wondering if I should shave myself ‘down there’ before the wedding. Neither of us have had sex...
Child marriage Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’ve been really moved by a recent campaign against child marriage. What do you think about child marriage? Was it normal in Bible times? I think it’s terrible...
Aroused watching women having sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a girl of eighteen. I was wondering if it’s normal to enjoy and get aroused by watching two women having sex, although I’m not a lesbian? I get really...
Better to burn with passion or get married? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi,It says in the Bible that ‘… if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion’ (1 Corinthians...
When is it normal to start having sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål When is it normal to start having sex?
Can I share a bed with my girlfriend? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it OK to share a bed when I stay overnight with my girlfriend?
Waiting for sex – a dilemma! Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m in a dilemma! A lot of Christian youths want to wait until they’re married to have sex. They know what they want, and so they don’t need contraception when...
How do I stop looking at sex and masturbating? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi I'm a Christian girl of 13. For a long time now I've struggled with looking at sex and that kind of thing. Sometimes I manage to keep away from it for a...
To set boundaries in a romantic relationship Kategori: Artikler How do you think through this with your girlfriend?
Is it wrong? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it completely wrong to think that several girls are pretty and could imagine having sex with them?
Podcast: What happens in a man's body during sex? Kategori: Podcast / film Male and female genitals are very different, but they are created in such a way that they fit perfectly together.
Is it OK to send dirty text messages to a partner? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What do you think about erotic short stories and dirty text messages? Does it mean I am leading my partner into lust? My partner and I have decided wait to have...
Lie together during the day? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it OK for a guy and a girl to lie together during the day, for example after dinner?
Living together Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I can’t find a Bible verse that says that it is sin to live together, so why is it sin?
Want to wait for marriage before having sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m 16 years old, and want to wait until I’m married before I have sex. Have you got any advice on how I can do that? I want to be aware of this before I find a...
Where should my boyfriend and I set the boundaries? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have had a boyfriend for about 6 months now. We have not had sex, because both of us wish to wait until marriage. We strive to have good boundaries. Where is...
Have I been raped? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I am unsure whether I have been raped or not. I was at a party, and had drunk a bit. I started kissing a guy, and he took me outside. He pulled my trousers...
I just had sex, but didn’t want to Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m 19 and have never had sex, until this evening. I had sex but didn’t want to do it. What should I do? I’m feeling really hopeless.
I miss physical closeness and sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I am a single 21-year-old boy. I'm a student and I live with good friends and I'm not lonely in the sense that I don't have friends to hang out with, but...
Can girls and boys actually just be friends? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Can girls and boys actually just be friends? So that neither of them will ever develop feelings for the other?
Have had sex, but I’m not married Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I'm a 17-year-old girl. I have had sex, but I'm not married yet. I hope to marry a Christian man sometime in the future because I am a Christian myself.
What does the Bible say about premarital sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What does the Bible say about those who have had premarital sex?
I've done something I regret, what should I do? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. A boy I like asked if I could stay over in his house and I said yes. So when I was there, we watched porn, even though I didn't want to.Then he asked if...
What are healthy boundaries in relationships? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What are healthy boundaries in a relationship? (For someone who is soon engaged and married) What is lawful and what is good in God's eyes?
Haunted by my past Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m a girl in her 20s and I feel that I am haunted by my past.When I was younger, I hung around with a group of people, and hardly any of them were...
How can I say ‘no’ to porn? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Sometimes someone wants to show me porn. I’m a Christian and don’t want to look at porn, what can I do?
Is it wrong to snog (make out)? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it wrong to snog (make out) in a relationship when you are both Christians?
Where are the limits, according to the Bible? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I was wondering how far I can go with my partner, according to the BIble? Where are the limits?
Is it okay to have sex when you are 15? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it okay to have sex when you are a Christian, 15 years old and your girl/boyfriend has touched your breasts?
Panfilia? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Uh, hi. Just wondering about Panfilia. It's not quite the same as bisexuality? I guess when you're a panphile, you're attracted to personality and stuff...
Is it a good idea to have sex before you’re 13? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi... I'm wondering if it's normal to want to have intercourse at the age of 13-14? I'm a little embarrassed about it... I don't want children either... I know...
What does it mean to think about someone with lust? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi :) I have been thinking a bit about Matt 5:28, about lust. I read an article about this on “itro”, it said that there was a difference between lust and...
Wrong to send provocative snaps? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I am a 16-year-old girl, and am a diligent Snapchat user. I'm wondering if it's sinful to send "provocative" pictures of yourself to a boy. Both are...
Want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I am fairly certain that I was born in the wrong body. I want to wear girl's clothes and be a girl, but the problem is I don't get my parents' permission to do...
Where are the limits? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I’m 19, and engaged! We are both virgins and will wait till marrriage before we have sex. But where are the limits? We’ve agreed not to touch each other, but...
Do you have sex when you touch her boobs? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Do you have sex when you touch her boobs? I used to think the limit was below the navel, but now I don’t know. I feel like it’s wrong/not a good idea...
Is it wrong to get an erect penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello. I’m ‘Boy 19’ and I have some questions. My girlfriend and I are both Christians, and we have decided to wait to have sex. Often if my penis gets hard, I...
When I get married, I can finally have sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I'm in a phase in my life where I think: "When I get married and can FINALLY have sex, then I will be happy". I have managed to trick myself into...
How can I tell my girlfriend that I’ve had sex? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a Christian guy of 16. Six months ago I had sex with a girl I didn’t know. She approached me, and I was impulsive, and joined in. I regret it now, I...
Is it sin to think about a penis? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Is it actually a sin, according to the BIble, to think about having sex, and imagine it? Not with a certain person, but just as a general thought? Sometimes I...
Is abortion wrong? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. I’m a girl of 19, and I’ve had sex with my boyfriend. I’m quite sure that I’m pregnant, as I haven’t had my period. What should I do? I don’t feel ready...
Wait for marriage to have sex Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål I have decided to wait till marriage before I have sex, but I’m wondering about things like lying together on the same bed, kissing and cuddling – what are the...
Is it OK to pet? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I’m a Christian guy, I’m 16.I’m very aware of not having sex and all that before marriage. I feel like I am in control, and I’ve decided in advance. But...
Naked on Skype and Snapchat Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello, we are two friends who have a bit of a problem... Two of our best friends (a boy and a girl) who are not boy and girlfriend showing their genitals on...
Masturbation between Married Couples Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello!Thanks for a great website and good guidance on sex and cohabitation. Very good that some take up these important things on the foundation of Christian...
Christian faith and contraception Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi, I wanted to ask a question on this website since it’s about Christian values. I am not a Christian, but my boyfriend is a Christian. I respect that and...
The only one who’s a virgin? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! I’m 23 and still a virgin. I’m the only one among my girl friends who is a virgin, and it’s beginning to get to me. It’s embarrassing, I feel so different...
My boyfriend pushed my boundaries Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello,When I lived abroad last year, I was with someone who had been a Christian before but wasn't anymore. I'm a Christian, and he knew where my boundaries...
Can we have sex when the woman has her period? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi. Can we have sex when the woman has her period? I’ve read about it in the Old Testament, but does this just refer to the people of Israel at that time, or...
Difficulty with having a boyfriend in the USA Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello!I have a boyfriend I met online, who's in the USA. I am very fond of him and we have been together for 8 months. All the same we have never met, only...
What are your thoughts on asexuality? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål What do you think about asexuality?
Infinite Love Kategori: Artikler The last time I went with my parents to church was when I was fourteen. I got bored, I didn’t understand what the pastor was talking about, and there was no one...
Did someone do something illegal to me? Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hi! Two years ago I was living in a student hostel in Australia. One evening I was out drinking with my friends, it was quite a casual atmosphere and I didn’t...
Podcast: The invisible reality of sex Kategori: Podcast / film When two people have sex, very strong emotions are created, and they become emotionally connected on a deep level. Many have experienced that it is hard to...
Have struggled with porn and masturbation for many years Kategori: Besvarte spørsmål Hello! I have struggled with addiction to masturbation and pornography for several years now. I have never dared to tell anyone and feel incredibly ashamed and...